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Hanks Cafe Honolulu

Hanks Cafe Honolulu


1 Medium

85 1ee7 hoodie m
Hoodies (No Zip or Pullover)
40 aa99 tshirt m
146 859e tank top m
Tank Tops
94 da24 tote bag m
Tote Bags
93 0629 pillow m
Throw Pillows
57 d76c phonecase m
Phone Cases
61 2311 mug m
124 49f3 puzzle m
208 3e45 kiss cut m
Kiss Cut Stickers
189 5a34 porcelain ornaments 2
Porcelain Ornaments
127 e6d1 metal ornaments 2
Metal Ornaments
174 c828 magnets
116 4a5e magnets
Metal Magnets

2 Size

3 Styles

4 Frame

Former Lounge owned by the artist, which serves as a Gallery for many of his works. The building was originally used as a haven for new immigrants from China. They would leave their belongings for safekeeping while they tried to make a new life in Honolulu. It's history of tenants are varied, At one point in the 50s, a hat store with the family residing upstairs. The bottom portion became a bar in the 60s and is currently Hanks Cafe Honolulu (est.1998), which replaced Doug's Place. The top floor had various small businesses over the years. In 2002, Sharkey's Tattoo Parlor had a two-year stand. During that period, the owner's brother, visiting from San Diego, painted a Dragon on the wall of the stairwell, from top to bottom. Freehand, and completed in only two days. In 2006, I took over the lease for the top floor and built a jazz club, Planned covering up the dragon painting. However ran out of time (and money), Let the dragon stay, and named the club, "The Dragon Upstairs". You can google the New York Times and The Dragon Upstairs. They featured the new spot in an article about Honolulu's Chinatown.

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